Ancient Babylonian arson in Jerusalem revealed by chemical clues

1 year ago 181


By analysing charred remains of a Jerusalem building, archaeologists person uncovered details of however it was burned down by Babylonian invaders successful 586 BC

By Michael Marshall

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Aerial presumption of the excavation tract successful Jerusalem, astatine the ft of the Temple Mount

Yair Izbotski/City of David

Archaeologists person reconstructed however Babylonian invaders burned down a gathering successful Jerusalem much than 2500 years ago, utilizing chemic clues successful the debris.

The gathering was destroyed arsenic portion of the Babylonian conquest of the Kingdom of Judah, which is presented arsenic a turning constituent successful the communicative of Judaism successful the Hebrew Bible.

Beginning successful 601 BC, Judean kings launched a bid of unsuccessful rebellions against the Babylonians, who had taken power of the portion …

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