Gallen confirms secret talks to fight SBW

1 year ago 112

Paul Gallen has confirmed concealed talks to combat Sonny Bill Williams took spot without success, portion laughing disconnected reports a combat with Tyson Fury "is connected the table."

Months into status from the combat game, Gallen's sanction is inactive being floated successful boxing circles with promoters, reporters and fans wondering whether the erstwhile Sharks skipper is done for good.

Since his past combat against Justin Hodges, Gallen, who turns 42 successful August, has told Wide World of Sports connected galore occasions that helium was "over it" erstwhile asked astir continuing his vocation successful the ring, adding that helium had nary involvement successful lacing the gloves again.

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Yet, whispers had been increasing that Gallen was contemplating a instrumentality successful 1 past hurrah against Williams, contempt a stalemate betwixt the 2 camps previously.

Paul Gallen during his bout with Chris Terzievski. (Getty)

Since Gallen officially called clip connected his vocation and fulfilled his combat declaration with Main Event, the erstwhile NSW captain is much oregon little a escaped cause if helium decides to springiness it 1 much go.

The erstwhile NRL subordinate confirmed helium had been successful concealed talks to combat Williams, but discussions weren't with the ex-All Blacks great's good respected manager Khoder Nasser.

"Last speech I had with Khoder is erstwhile I rang him implicit a twelvemonth ago," helium told Wide World of Sports. "I said mate, "I told everyone 2021 would beryllium my past year, I'm retiring precise soon. If we're going to marque this combat hap we've got to marque it hap now."

"Nothing happened with it, they got obscurity adjacent it."

Gallen said that astir six months aft his retirement, streaming level Stan, which is owned by Nine, had attempted to resurrect the anticipation of a combat with SBW to nary avail.

Gallen baits SBW implicit imaginable fight

Gallen is adamant he's finished with boxing, contempt respective reports linking him to a bout with Williams and astir precocious existent WBC heavyweight champion Tyson Fury.

Williams is plotting a instrumentality to the ringing astatine an chartless day pursuing his KO nonaccomplishment to Mark Hunt successful 2022.

"They request to support Sonny applicable to thrust who he's going to combat adjacent and mentioning my sanction does that for him. That's the crushed wherefore I deliberation they're inactive mentioning me," Gallen said.

As for Fury?

"I'm flattered," helium said. "He mentioned maine a portion backmost and said thing like, 'I cognize that Paul Gallen he's a pugnacious bugger oregon thing similar that.' That was beauteous chill to beryllium mentioned by him, I really enactment it connected my Instagram, but I don't deliberation I'll beryllium doing that one.

"I retrieve a twelvemonth oregon 2 ago, I said, 'I wouldn't caput warring Tyson,' erstwhile you're successful the zone, it would beryllium an astonishing accidental to accidental you got successful the ringing with him. But erstwhile you're past it, which I am, I wouldn't beryllium saying that."

Fury's promoters are reportedly successful talks with the Queensland and Victorian governments for the 'Gypsy King' to header Australia's archetypal heavyweight world-title combat successful implicit a century.

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Fury told News Corp a imaginable $20 cardinal blockbuster against Gallen oregon Williams "is connected the table" portion mentioning fundamentally each different Aussie warring successful the dense divisions arsenic a imaginable opponents during his promotional circuit after watching Joseph Parker decision "Django" Opelu connected Wednesday.

Although, it's understood the frontrunner to combat the "Gypsy King" is satellite ranked Queenslander Demsey McKean (22-0, 14KO) with Fury confirming helium met with McKean's absorption successful Melbourne connected Wednesday.

"I deliberation he's doing a large happening for Australian boxing astatine the moment," Gallen added. "He's expected to beryllium warring Demsey McKean, Jai Opetaia, Lucas Browne, Sonny Bill Williams, present me.

"To beryllium realistic he's implicit present connected a promotional visit. I don't cognize if he'll beryllium warring anyone to beryllium honest.

"He's a salesman, 1 happening helium tin bash is merchantability a combat and himself and he's doing large things by throwing up immoderate Aussie names, but successful world I don't cognize if he'll ever combat them."

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Here is who NRL fable Paul Gallen has fought during his colourful boxing career

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