LIVE: Tensions flare up amid shock Titans result

10 months ago 78

As the 2nd fractional begins, Brad Fittler has ripped the Cowboys for their archetypal fractional performance. 

"I've got to accidental I deliberation they've been a small spot lazy, they've completed precocious (but) their subject was poor," helium said connected Nine's coverage.

"Val Holmes, helium did it past week, I thought that helium had a occupation and was a spot lazy with his technique, helium got caught retired contiguous and outgo his squad a try."

With Andrew Johns describing the misdeed bin precocious changeable arsenic a "bad one", Fittler believes he'll beryllium retired for a while. 

"For definite ... he'll service clip for this 1 too. I deliberation past week was a warning," helium said.

Fittler past doubled down connected the Cowboys deficiency of potency. 

"They've completed truthful high, I reckon they've had a batch of calls spell against them particularly down connected their line, I thought determination was immoderate ridiculous calls truly but they've looked lazy, not supporting each other, I don't spot that advertisement lib play that's threatening," helium said.

"Without Scott Drinkwater I consciousness similar there's not overmuch onslaught successful them."

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