Martin Henderson’s Girlfriend: Who is Aisha Mendez & Everything To Know About Their Romance

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VIRGIN RIVER - Alexandra Breckenridge arsenic  Melinda Monroe of VIRGIN RIVER - NETFLIX (c) 2020

VIRGIN RIVER (L to R) BENJAMIN HOLLINGSWORTH arsenic  BRADY and ZIBBY ALLEN arsenic  BRIE successful  occurrence  306 of VIRGIN RIVER Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2021

VIRGIN RIVER (L to R) MARTIN HENDERSON arsenic  JACK SHERIDAN and ZIBBY ALLEN arsenic  BRIE successful  occurrence  307 of VIRGIN RIVER Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2021

Image Credit: Jim Smeal/BEI/Shutterstock

Martin Henderson, 47, is simply a New Zealand-born histrion who is champion known for his roles successful 2002’s The Ring, 2004’s Torque, and 2006’s Smokin’ Aces. He has besides been portion of respective palmy tv bid specified arsenic Big Sky, Grey’s Anatomy, and astir recently, Virgin River. In the Netflix series, helium plays the handsome and charming barroom proprietor Jack Sheridan, whose narration with Melinda (Alexandra Breckenridge) has viewers hooked. While fans person watched Jack and Melinda’s narration highs and lows implicit the years, the aforesaid cannot beryllium said for Martin’s real-life emotion life. Scroll connected to larn much astir the palmy actor’s vocation and narration past below. 

Martin Henderson’s Career

Born successful Auckland, New Zealand successful 1974, Martin began acting astatine the ripe property of 13 erstwhile helium landed a tiny portion successful a section children’s enigma series, Strangers, successful 1989. He past gained notoriety successful New Zealand erstwhile helium starred arsenic Stuart Neilson connected Shortland Street between 1992 to 1995. From there, helium moved to Australia to prima successful the soap, Echo Point, which aired for 1 play successful 1995. The adjacent year, helium starred other Heath Ledger successful Sweat, different tv bid that aired for 1 season. The Australian bid Big Sky was 1 of Martin’s past projects earlier making the determination to the United States to prosecute acting further.

In America, his large interruption came via a supporting relation successful 2002’s Windbreaker, which is besides the twelvemonth helium booked The Ring, successful which helium starred opposite Naomi Watts. From there, helium worked with immoderate different notable stars including Cate Blanchett successful 2005’s Little Fish, and starred successful 2005’s Bride & Prejudice. A amusive information astir Martin’s vocation is that helium played Britney Spears‘ fellow successful her 2004 “Toxic” euphony video.

Martin has enjoyed a vocation spanning 5 decades and has astir 50 credits listed connected his IMDb page. He has been nominated for a fistful of awards passim his much than 30 years of acting, specified arsenic for Best Supporting Actor for Little Fish by the Australian Film Institute, but helium has nary trophies to amusement for his dedication to the craft.

Martin Henderson’s Relationship Status 

The Virgin River prima has ne'er been joined and has nary kids. However, helium is simply a arrogant canine dada and helium often posts his adorable pup, Sammy, connected societal media, arsenic seen above. His astir celebrated ex-partner is Demi Moore, who helium dated successful 2012 aft she divorced Ashton Kutcher, per Express. Before the Ghost actress, his dating past included actresses Aishwarya Rai, Marnette Patterson, and Radha Mitchell, arsenic good arsenic exemplary Nicky Watson. His astir caller relationship, however, was with Mexican exemplary Aisha Mendez.

Martin Henderson And Mexican Model Aisha Mendez

Martin and Aisha, 28, dated during 2020 and were adjacent quarantined unneurotic successful a New Zealand edifice erstwhile the COVID-19 pandemic began, according to Distractify. They look to person breached up successful aboriginal 2021, arsenic that’s erstwhile they stopped posting each different and astir the clip Martin cleared Aisha from his Instagram feed. However, it appears that they ended connected pleasant terms, arsenic a fewer photos of their clip unneurotic stay connected Aisha’a page, specified arsenic this post from Christmas clip successful 2020, and the supra photograph of them connected abrogation successful Cabo San Lucas. It is not wide wherefore they broke up, though immoderate publications person debated whether oregon not they had differences implicit their tendency to commencement a household arsenic a effect of their property difference.

Who is Aisha Mendez?

Aisha is simply a Mexican-born exemplary who entered the satellite successful April 1994. She lives successful the Philippines, according to her Instagram, and enjoys spending her days learning to surf and soaking up the prima astatine the beach. She besides enjoys attending euphony festivals and celebrated her 28th day astatine 1 successful Baja California, Mexico.

Earlier successful the year, she opened up astir being azygous and the maturation she has seen successful herself aft deciding to unrecorded a sober lifestyle. “The magnitude of maturation that I person done successful the past twelvemonth is astounding to me. Quitting alcohol, ending an aggravated relationship, spending clip without a antheral successful my beingness for extended periods of clip for the archetypal clip ever, were astir apt immoderate of the biggest contributors to it. A 12 measurement programme and an astonishing sponsor that helped maine spot my portion successful each of the things that were ‘wrong’ with my beingness was decidedly a immense portion of it too,” she wrote successful May alongside a photograph of herself smiling connected the beach. “I americium truthful grateful to each of the radical that person helped maine get to wherever I americium today. And I anticipation I tin bash the aforesaid for others 1 day.”

Is The Virgin River Star In A Relationship?

The lone women connected Martin’s Instagram arsenic of precocious are his Virgin River costars Annette O’Toole and Alexandra Breckenridge, members of his hairsbreadth and constitution team, and Jenny Ortega, Brittany Snow, and Mia Goth, who prima successful the caller thriller, X, successful which helium appears. However, according to Hello!, helium is “said to beryllium dating a New Zealand-based interior designer.” The work besides claimed that the enigma emotion interest’s kids are photographed riding an off-roading conveyance with him successful his station connected Instagram (seen here) from June 28, 2022. He does not notation a woman successful the photograph and has not mentioned a woman publically arsenic of this writing.

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