Mary Tyler Moore’s Husband: Everything To Know About Robert Levine & Her Past Marriages

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Mary Tyler Moore

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Mary Tyler Moore
Mary Tyler Moore (c1969)

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Image Credit: Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock Mary Tyler Moore was joined 3 times. She had 1 kid with her archetypal husband, Richard Meeker. Mary was joined to her 3rd husband, Robert Levine, erstwhile she died successful 2017 astatine 80 years old.

HBO has enactment Mary Tyler Moore back successful the spotlight with a caller task astir the precocious TV star. The documentary Being Mary Tyler Moore, retired May 26, examines Mary’s life, including her 3 marriages. Mary was joined to Richard Meeker, Grant Tinker, and Robert Levine, who was her hubby erstwhile she died successful 2017 astatine 80 years old. Robert is an enforcement shaper connected the documentary, which looks backmost astatine however helium fell successful emotion with the celebrated histrion aft her archetypal 2 marriages failed.

“I suggested we telephone the film, ‘Being Mary Tyler Moore,’ “Robert said successful a caller interrogation connected TODAY. “The happening astir it was, being Mary, due to the fact that everything Mary did, she was authentic. She was being herself,” helium added.

Mary Tyler MooreMary Tyler Moore and Robert Levine successful 2007 (Photo: Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock )

Mary’s archetypal 2 marriages didn’t enactment out, but yet she recovered an astonishing spouse successful Robert, who is continuing to dispersed her bequest successful much ways than one. Here is everything you request to cognize astir the 3 men who were joined to Mary.

Richard Meeker

Mary was lone 18 years aged erstwhile she joined 28-year-old cranberry condiment income manager Richard Meeker successful 1955. Within six weeks, Mary was large with the couple’s only child, Richard “Richie” Meeker Jr., who was calved July 3, 1956. Mary and Richard got divorced successful 1962, erstwhile Richie was 6 years old. Sadly, Richie died connected October 14, 1980 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Richie was handling a short-barreled, .410-gauge shotgun erstwhile the weapon went off, according to the Washington PostNot overmuch is known astir Richard aft helium mislaid his lad successful the tragic accident.

Grant Tinker

Mary Tyler MooreMary Tyler Moore and Grant Tinker successful 1967 (Photo: ANL/Shutterstock)

Mary joined her 2nd husband, tv enforcement Grant Tinker, successful 1962, months aft she got divorced from Richard. Mary and Grant formed the TV accumulation company MTM Enterprises, which produced her deed show The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Mary and Grant separated successful 1979 and got divorced 2 years later. In her 1995 memoir After All, Mary recalled however her matrimony to Grant ended successful “a unreality of silence,” according to PEOPLE. Mary wrote successful her publication that she turned to intoxicant aft the matrimony failed, contempt having Type 1 diabetes. Mary yet battled alcoholism but stopped drinking aft she went to rehab astatine the Betty Ford Center successful the 1980s.

Robert Levine

Mary Tyler MooreMary Tyler Moore with Robert Levine successful 1984 (Photo: Alan Davidson/Shutterstock (Robert Levine)

Mary joined her 3rd husband, cardiologist Robert Levine, connected November 23, 1983 successful New York City. Robert was Mary’s parent Marjorie Hackett Moore‘s doc erstwhile she was sick, which is however the aboriginal mates met. In his interrogation connected TODAY, Robert recalled the opening of their relationship.

“When I was astir to leave, I said what you would expect a doc to say, ‘Mary, if you person concerns oregon immoderate further questions, conscionable springiness maine a call.’ And she turns to maine and says, ‘Is acute loneliness a bully capable crushed to call?’ And I said, ‘I can’t deliberation of a amended crushed to beryllium calling astatine 3 a.m.’ And truthful successful fact, a mates of days later, astatine 3 a.m., she called me,” Robert shared.

Robert really didn’t cognize Mary was celebrated erstwhile they archetypal met. “In that archetypal moment, I recognized it was antithetic and surely our archetypal date… it was truthful easy,” helium said connected TODAY. “Because I didn’t truly cognize Mary arsenic a star, truthful determination wasn’t [a] fan-star happening going on.”

It has been much than six years since Mary Tyler Moore passed away, and her beingness and bequest is present being portrayed successful a documentary. @JennaBushHager spoke astir the icon to the antheral who knew her best; hubby Dr. Robert Levine.

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) May 24, 2023

Robert stayed joined to Mary until she passed distant successful 2017 owed to cardiopulmonary apprehension analyzable by pneumonia. He released a connection to PEOPLE after she died, saying, “I can’t judge she is gone. Mary was my life, my light, my love. The emptiness I consciousness without her with maine is without bottom. She was a unit of quality who fiercely defended her autonomy adjacent arsenic her wellness was failing. Mary was fearless, determined, and willfull. If she felt powerfully astir something, oregon that determination was information to beryllium told, she would bash it, nary substance the consequences. She was kind, genuine, approachable, honest, and humble. And she had that smile. Oh, to spot her grin that smile, conscionable erstwhile more.”

Since Mary’s death, Robert founded the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative to effort to find a cure for diabetes complications. As for wherefore helium wanted to marque the documentary astir his precocious wife, Robert told TODAY, “I wanted to bespeak connected what Mary’s beingness was, punctual radical of her value and her impact, and promote them to beryllium a Mary too. To basal up for what you judge and to ever contiguous the satellite with a smile, but to not beryllium shy from the battle.”

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