NASA probably discovered quakes on Mars in the 1970s

1 year ago 187


The Viking 1 and 2 Mars probes looked for grounds of quakes connected Mars, but failed to find thing definitive. Now a reanalysis suggests Viking 2 recovered marsquakes aft all

By Jonathan O’Callaghan

Viking 2 connected the aboveground of Mars


NASA’s Viking 2 lander astir apt discovered quakes connected Mars astir 50 years ago, but this has lone conscionable been confirmed acknowledgment to information from the much caller InSight probe.

In 1976, NASA launched 2 missions to Mars, Viking 1 and 2, to survey the planet’s aboveground and search for life. Both probes were besides equipped with a seismometer to hunt for marsquakes, tremors connected the Martian aboveground akin to earthquakes, to spot if they existed.

Viking 1’s seismometer failed to operate, but Viking …

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