Netflix invents new green-screen filming method using magenta light

1 year ago 202


A faster and much close method for putting footage of actors successful antithetic backgrounds allows directors to spot however their shots volition look arsenic they movie them

By Matthew Sparkes

Netflix researchers person created a caller benignant of AI-powered green-screen exertion that tin nutrient realistic ocular effects for movie and tv successful existent time.

Green-screen exertion is routinely utilized to seizure footage of actors that tin past beryllium inserted successful the foreground of virtual oregon prerecorded scenes. To bash this, actors are filmed against a agleam greenish background, which is easy isolated and removed digitally.

This process tin beryllium done automatically with tenable accuracy, specified arsenic successful tv upwind forecasts, but it tin beryllium thrown by items of greenish covering oregon by transparent oregon good objects, similar wisps of hair. When greater accuracy is needed successful films oregon tv series, specializer operators tweak settings manually, sometimes requiring hours to cleanable a shot.

In a bid to make a method that is some accelerated and accurate, Netflix has travel up with a method it calls Magenta Green Screen (MGS). Actors are filmed against a inheritance of agleam greenish LEDs portion being lit from the beforehand with reddish and bluish ones, which unneurotic make a magenta glow (see video, above).

Because digital cameras enactment by taking an idiosyncratic red, greenish and bluish worth for each pixel, this method has the effect of creating a greenish transmission that records lone the background, with the foreground appearing black, and reddish and bluish channels that grounds lone the foreground, leaving the inheritance looking black. Together these make the magenta and greenish look.

Film editors tin regenerate the greenish transmission successful existent time, realistically and instantly placing the actors successful the foreground of different scene, with adjacent perchance tricky areas, specified arsenic transparent bottles oregon the country astir strands of hair, moving without problems. 

“Computers already person provided specified almighty tools to marque a batch of worldly easier,” says Paul Debevec, 1 of the Netflix researchers involved. “[This is] different happening that we tin marque easier, truthful that the talented artists that we person tin absorption connected the artistry, really making things look better.”

But determination is simply a occupation with the method. Because the foreground is lone recorded successful bluish and red, it leaves the actors looking magenta-tinted. To lick this, Netflix uses artificial quality to enactment the afloat scope of colour backmost into the foreground, utilizing a photograph of the actors lit usually arsenic a notation to make a realistic-looking greenish channel. This AI works quickly, but not yet successful existent time, though accelerated techniques specified arsenic averaging the reddish and bluish channels to make an approximation of a greenish transmission enactment efficaciously capable for the manager to show portion filming.

Drew Lahat astatine video accumulation institution Geiger Post successful California says the manufacture ever welcomes caller methods, but that the method involves a batch of analyzable steps, which whitethorn not yet beryllium conducive to the fast-paced quality of shooting movie and television.

“There are a assortment of aspects of this exertion that, from a applicable perspective, marque maine wonderment if it’s worthy it,” helium says. “From what I understand, unless you person an fantabulous greenish surface successful a afloat controlled space, this method falls isolated fast.”


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