Terry Crews’ Wife: Everything To Know About Rebecca King-Crews & Their Marriage

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Terry Crews & woman  Rebecca King-Crews

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Terry Crews
'Aladdin' movie  premiere, Arrivals, El Capitan Theatre, Los Angeles, USA - 21 May 2019

Terry Crews, Wynfrey Crews, Isaiah Crews, Naomi Burton-Crews, Rebecca Crews
Sony Pictures Animation 'The Star' satellite   premiere astatine  the Regency Village Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA - 12 November 2017

Terry Crews, Miley Crews, Naomi Burton-Crews, Rebecca King-Crews and Isaiah Crews
'Aladdin' movie  premiere, Arrivals, El Capitan Theatre, Los Angeles, USA - 21 May 2019

Image Credit: MediaPunch/Shutterstock Terry Crews is an NFL star-turned-actor and tv host Terry has been joined to Rebecca King-Crews since 1989 and shares 5 children with her The brace person been unfastened astir their struggles, specified arsenic Terry’s porn addiction

Terry Crews, 54, had experienced the rags-to-riches story: He was a broke assemblage pupil earlier making to the NFL, and past helium much oregon little ran retired of wealth after his NFL retirement earlier helium made it large successful Hollywood. Now, he’s hosting America’s Got Talent and processing a caller sitcom, according to Entertainment Tonight. Terry’s wife, Rebecca King-Crews, 56, has been by his broadside done richer oregon poorer — but it wasn’t ever easy.

The mates tied the knot successful 1989, and 32 years later, they’re inactive unneurotic and are the arrogant parents of 5 beauteous children. Some of the unsmooth points successful their matrimony were caused by Terry’s infidelity and porn addiction, and Rebecca’s bought with cancer. Still, Terry and Rebecca person managed to past it each portion continuing to being honorable astir the obstacles they’ve faced together. “He’s the leader of our story, successful my opinion,” Rebecca told  PEOPLE in March 2021. “He made the prime to instrumentality this conflict connected and truly go a amended person.” Below, larn everything you request to cognize astir Rebecca King-Crews and her matrimony to Terry.

Terry Crews & woman  RebeccaTerry Crews and Rebecca King-Crews enactment the Eva Longoria Foundation(Photo: MediaPunch/Shutterstock)

How Did Terry & Rebecca Meet?

Terry and Rebecca met successful assemblage during the ’80s. At the time, Terry was a shot subordinate astatine Western Michigan University, which Rebecca was a pupil pursuing her euphony and theatre career, according to Heavy. And portion the 2 yet ended up together, their archetypal interactions were acold from romantic. “He astir got stuck successful the person zone. He was a little too nice,” Rebecca told E! News in 2018. Terry agreed, telling the publication, “I had to gain it.” Earned it helium did, and the brace person been unneurotic ever since.

Terry and Rebecca said “I do” connected July 29, 1989. Not overmuch is known astir the wedding ceremony, but their clip arsenic a household of 2 didn’t past long, arsenic their girl Azriel was calved little than a twelvemonth aft the nuptials. A twelvemonth aft that, Terry was drafted into the NFL by the Los Angeles Rams. Talk astir a chaotic archetypal 2 years of marriage!

Rebecca Is A Designer

Terry Crews & woman  RebeccaTerry Crews & woman Rebecca King-Crews airs astatine an lawsuit (Photo: MediaPunch/Shutterstock)

Thirty years into their marriage, Rebecca Crews was inspired to commencement her ain covering enactment aft she had occupation uncovering an all-white pantsuit. “I scoured Los Angeles and adjacent Beverly Hills, and had to portion unneurotic an outfit from 3 antithetic designers (holding them intimately to the airy to marque definite the whites were the aforesaid tone),” she recalled connected her website. “I chose my shoes and accessories. I had my ‘white tux’ – but it was little than I had envisioned, and it would person to do.”

“That time I was resolute …. I needed to commencement making my ain apparel,” she remembered. “I commissioned my decorator person to make six suits to my specifications that could beryllium worn formally oregon informally.” Her suits ended up being worn to immoderate of Hollywood’s biggest events, including the Golden Globes, the Night Before The Emmy’s Party, and more. “Everywhere I went, I was asked by my assorted personage friends ‘WHERE did you get that SUIT?!'” Rebecca continued. “I coyly replied, ‘This is my collection.’ And a imagination was born.”

Rebecca launched Rebecca Crews LLC and ne'er looked back. Her marque present includes purses, shoes, accessories, and more.

Rebecca Prays For Her Followers and Shares Motivational Quotes

It would marque consciousness for Rebecca to stock her latest designs with her astir 90,000 followers connected Instagram, but instead, she tries to usage her level for the greater good. Her provender is afloat of motivational quotes and inspirational speeches. For instance, her May 24, 2023 photograph reads, “Once you look your fear, thing is ever arsenic hard arsenic you think.” She continued the positivity successful her caption.

“Today, I situation you to face your fears head-on. Embrace your courage, measurement into the unknown, and ticker your limitations crumble similar dust,” she penned. “The travel whitethorn look daunting, but retrieve that wrong each situation lies the imaginable for maturation and triumph. The way to greatness is paved with fearless determination and a refusal to fto fearfulness clasp you back!”

She besides has respective videos successful which she offers a supplication to her followers, arsenic seen above.

Rebecca Always Wanted A Big Family

Terry Crews with woman  Rebecca & kidsTerry Crews with woman Rebecca King-Crews and immoderate of their kids (Photo: David Buchan/BEI/Shutterstock)

Terry and Rebecca are arrogant parents to 5 children: Naomi, Azriel, Tera, Wynfrey, and Isaiah. The full household was featured connected the BET world bid The Family Crews, which ran for 2 seasons from 2010 to 2011. The episodes featured hilarious moments betwixt the seven-person Crews clan.

Terry has perfectly loved having a ample family. In fact, the America’s Got Talent host adjacent said successful 2016 that helium would emotion to invited a sixth kid via adoption. “I support saying, ‘We’ve got to hold until we’re ready,’ but we weren’t acceptable for our ain kids. It’s weird. You’re ne'er acceptable … Literally, 1 time we’re conscionable going to person to bash it!” Terry told Us Weekly. Meanwhile, Rebecca said, “It’s thing we discussed backmost erstwhile we were archetypal married. It was thing that I ever felt benignant of called to do. I would spot ads successful magazines, and I would conscionable look astatine them like, ‘I’m going to bash that 1 day.’ ”

Terry & Rebecca Have Had A Few Rough Patches

Terry Crews with woman  Rebecca & kidsTerry Crews with woman Rebecca King-Crews and their kids astatine the ‘Aladdin’ premiere (Photo: Broadimage/Shutterstock)

Three decades of matrimony has not been casual for Terry and Rebecca. They’ve weathered galore storms together, astir notably Terry’s infidelity. In 2010, Terry called Rebecca from New York City and admitted helium had cheated connected her. He besides confessed to having a porn addiction. In Terry’s 2021 audio memoir Stronger Together, Rebecca admitted she had a feeling Terry whitethorn beryllium cheating. “These unusual small sayings were coming to me, like, ‘You’re going to person a caller marriage,’ ” she said, per PEOPLE.

The mates referred to that time arsenic “D-Day,” and it astir destroyed their marriage. Rebecca threatened to permission Terry, but helium promised to be therapy and rehab and repair his mistakes. Terry did conscionable that, and against each odds, helium and Rebecca stayed together. He aboriginal showed his afloat enactment for Rebecca erstwhile she was diagnosed with signifier 1 bosom crab successful 2020. She underwent a treble mastectomy and reconstructive surgery, and Terry was determination for her each measurement of the way. “I tease him each the clip — I’m like, did I person to get crab to beryllium treated similar this?!'” Rebecca told PEOPLE.

Through each the ups and downs, Terry and Rebecca person travel retired stronger than ever. The mates has been wholly transparent astir their struggles, but they’ve besides acknowledged however they’re successful astir apt a amended spot unneurotic than ever before. “I watched my hubby alteration — I person the softer, gentler, kinder Terry now,” Rebecca said to PEOPLE. “I’m thankful due to the fact that our communicative could person gone different way, had helium not decided that we were worthy warring for.”

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