Tiny robot could stop bleeding from inside the body using heat

1 year ago 209


A centimetre-sized robot with a brushed assemblage and metallic scales inspired by pangolins tin halt bleeding oregon destruct cells from wrong the assemblage utilizing heat

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

A tiny robot that tin shape-shift and nutrient vigor could incinerate crab cells oregon halt bleeding from wrong the body. It could besides beryllium utilized to ferry drugs straight to tumours oregon hard-to-reach places similar arteries.

Tiny robots with soft bodies person shown committedness for delivering drugs without causing harm – but adding hard elements could marque them much useful.

Ren Hao Soon astatine the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems successful Stuttgart, Germany, and his colleagues designed the centimetre-sized robot to person overlapping aluminium plates inspired by pangolins, the lone mammal with scales. They layered rectangular “scales” implicit softer, magnetic material, which fto the robot alteration its shape.

To marque it move, curl up, agelong retired oregon get warm, the researchers directed magnetic fields astatine the robot’s metallic parts. Changing the frequence of these fields could besides marque the scales vigor up, allowing the robot to blast its surroundings with heat. They recovered that the robot’s assemblage could lukewarm up to much than 70°C.

The researchers besides utilized the robot’s vigor to present cargo wrong a exemplary of a stomach. They stuck a portion of rubbery worldly to the robot to imitate capsules of medicine. The adhesive they utilized dissolved erstwhile the robot warmed up, depositing the cargo. This could let for targeted cause transportation wrong the body.

A pangolin-inspired robot successful a exemplary of the stomach

Ren Hao Soon et al., Nature Communications

Soon and his colleagues besides tested the robot’s quality to halt bleeding from wounds utilizing the tummy of a dormant pig. They simulated bleeding by pumping humor with a syringe done a tiny cut. Then, the robot stretched retired and laid implicit the spot, heating it up to marque the humor clot.

Jake Abbott astatine the University of Utah says the robot could besides beryllium utilized to termination tumour cells successful a targeted mode alternatively of exposing ample amounts of insubstantial to radiation oregon chemicals. “You could rise the somesthesia of the robot supra an unsafe level [for mean cells] and clasp it successful spot for a fewer minutes, and that tin termination [cancer] cells. The quality assemblage is precise delicate to temperature,” helium says.


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