Apple's Vision Pro headset will launch with Disney+ streaming

10 months ago 94

Bob Iger, CEO, Disney astatine Apple program

Source: Apple

The Walt Disney Company has ever been astatine the forefront of caller storytelling technology. On Monday, it announced a caller concern with Apple to bring its streaming work Disney+ to the tech giant's caller augmented world headset.

Dubbed Vision Pro, the headset volition let users to interact with integer contented successful mixed reality. It volition retail for $3,499.

Disney CEO Bob Iger said the caller tech volition heighten the Disney+ viewing experience, noting that erstwhile the headset launches aboriginal adjacent year, users volition beryllium capable to entree the streaming service.

Apple partners with Disney to connection    Disney+ connected  caller   AR headset Vision Pro

"We're perpetually successful hunt of caller ways to entertain, pass and animate our fans by combining bonzer creativity with groundbreaking exertion to make genuinely singular experiences," Iger said during Apple's WWDC 2023 keynote connected Monday. "And we judge Apple Vision Pro is simply a revolutionary level that tin marque our imaginativeness a reality."

The demo reel for the collaboration betwixt Disney and Apple included 3D visuals of a hoops court, showing however users could beryllium immersed successful sports contests from home, arsenic good arsenic immersive National Geographic contented that placed the spectator successful the mediate of the ocean.

"It volition let america to make profoundly idiosyncratic experiences that bring our fans person to the characters they love," Iger said. "This level volition let america to bring Disney to our fans successful ways that were antecedently impossible."

The sizzle reel besides showcased Mickey Mouse springing to beingness successful a surviving room, a fireworks amusement from Disney's taxable parks erupting successful a room and fans watching Star Wars contented from a planet's surface.

"We're truthful arrogant to yet again beryllium partnering the top storytelling institution successful the satellite with the astir innovative exertion institution successful the satellite to bring you existent beingness magic," Iger said.

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