Why darkness between stars reveals more about the universe than light

11 months ago 88


When looking up astatine the nighttime sky, airy from stars draws attention. But the acheronian betwixt the airy tin uncover adjacent much astir the universe, says Nobel prize-winning astrophysicist Adam Riess

By Adam Riess

A dense postulation  of stars covers the view. Towards the centre the stars go  adjacent    much  dense successful  a circular region, and besides  much  blue. Around the edges determination   are immoderate   redder foreground stars, and galore  tiny  stars successful  the background.

The acheronian betwixt cosmic airy is worthy looking astatine too

ESA/Hubble & NASA, E. Noyola, R. Cohen

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I retrieve 1 of the archetypal times I truly looked astatine the night sky. I was astonished to larn that the agleam lights were mostly stars similar our prima and astounded that …

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