Japan has the No. 1 most powerful passport in the world for 2023—see where the U.S. lands on the list

1 year ago 783

This month, the International Air Transport Association released the 2023 Henley Passport Index, which reveals the world's astir almighty passports.

The Henley Passport Index measures visa-free entree to 227 destinations crossed the world. It ranks the world's passports according to the fig of destinations their holders tin entree without a anterior visa.

A cardinal uncovering from the scale is what they telephone the "direct nexus betwixt passport spot and entree to the planetary economy."

For example, the Japanese passport gives visa-free entree to 193 destinations, which accounts for a whopping 98% of the planetary economy. On the different end, citizens of the index's lowest-ranking countries specified arsenic Afghanistan, Iraq (visa-free people of 29), and Syria (visa-free people of 30) are efficaciously unopen retired of assorted opportunities for economical mobility and growth.

No. 1 astir almighty passport successful the world: Japan

Japan topped the scale arsenic the state with the astir almighty successful the satellite for the 5th consecutive year.

As of 2023, Japanese passport holders tin sojourn 193 of 227 destinations visa-free, which is 85% of the world, according to information from the International Air Transport Association compiled by Henley & Partners.

The astir almighty passports successful the world

  1. Japan
  2. Singapore and South Korea
  3. Germany and Spain
  4. Finland, Italy, and Luxembourg
  5. Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden
  6. France, Ireland, Portugal, and the U.K.
  7. Belgium, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, and the U.S.
  8. Australia, Canada, Greece, and Malta
  9. Hungary and Poland
  10. Lithuania and Slovakia

Two different countries successful Asia ranked second: South Korea and Singapore. Both passports let for passport-holding citizens to 192 countries without a visa.

Germany and Spain tied for 3rd with entree to 190 destinations.

The U.S. passport tied successful seventh spot with Belgium, the Czech Republic, New Zealand, Norway and Switzerland. All of the countries connection citizens visa-free visits to 186 countries.

Although the Henley Passport Index states that it expects the U.S. to stay solidly astatine no. 7 connected the list, past year's Global Citizen Solutions Global Passport Index named the U.S. passport the world's astir almighty based connected its ranking of investment, prime of beingness and enhanced mobility indices successful 2022.

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