Tom Brady Posts Mother’s Day Tribute For Ex-Wife Gisele Bundchen: ‘Thank You For All Your Love’

1 year ago 88

Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen

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 Notes connected  Fashion, Arrivals, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA - 06 May 2019

Saint-Tropez, FRANCE  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Tom Brady cuddles up   to his wife, Gisele Bunchchen, arsenic  the mates  enjoys a romanticist  getaway to Saint Tropez. The Brazilian exemplary  smiled arsenic  Tom leaned successful  and whispered successful  her receptor  arsenic  the mates  was spotted concisely  implicit    the play   during a casual outing. The pair, who person  been joined  for 13 years, has been enjoying immoderate   clip  unneurotic  earlier  Tom returns to the tract  again for his 23rd NFL play   aft  initially announcing his status  successful  February. The seven-time Super Bowl champion   and five-time Super Bowl MVP announced astir    a period  aboriginal    that he'd changed his caput   and would play   different  play   with the Buccaneers.

*PHOTOS SHOT ON 06/27/2022*

Pictured: Gisele Bundchen, Tom Brady



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Tom Brady, 45, took to Instagram to observe this Mother’s Day with immoderate of the astir peculiar mothers successful his life. The erstwhile nonrecreational shot subordinate shared respective photos of his mom, Galynn Brady, arsenic good arsenic his ex-wife Gisele Bundchen, who is the parent of his 2 children, Benjamin, 13, and Vivian, 10, and ex Bridget Moynahan, the parent of his oldest son, Jack, 15, during peculiar times with the kids. He besides added a touching connection to the caption.

“Happy Mothers Day to each these astonishing women who person fixed our household truthful overmuch passim their lives. Thank you each for your love, compassion and kindness, and for mounting specified an astonishing illustration for each of our small ones,” his connection started. “We are each truthful grateful for your enactment and helping america each execute our dreams. I privation each the mothers successful the satellite a peculiar time with the radical that emotion them the most.”

Once the station went public, Tom’s fans sent their ain Mother’s Day wishes to the ladies, successful the comments section. They besides complimented the athlete’s saccharine gesture. “Tom, truthful beauteous that you grant each the women who play a rotation successful your beingness and your beauteous children’s lives! Keep loving!” 1 remark read.

Tom Brady, Gisele BundchenTom and Gisele were joined from 2009 until 2022. (Shutterstock)

Tom’s Mother’s Day station comes six months aft he and Gisele split aft 13 years of marriage. Although determination were rumors that the divorcement was a nonstop effect of Tom not retiring from nonrecreational shot astatine the time, the gorgeous exemplary admitted determination were a fig factors that led to the “heartbreaking” split, successful a caller interrogation with Vanity Fair. She explained that “everything” was incorrect and sometimes radical conscionable “grow apart.” She besides assured that contempt the romance coming to an end, she inactive wishes Tom well.

“If there’s 1 idiosyncratic I privation to beryllium the happiest successful the world, it’s him, judge me,” she said. “I privation him to execute and to conquer. I privation each his dreams to travel true. That’s what I want, really, from the bottommost of my heart.”

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