Ukraine's Zelenskyy thanks Germany for support in visit to Berlin

1 year ago 112

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (left) says goodbye to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (right), arsenic helium departs the Bellevue Palace connected May 14, 2023, successful Berlin.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Germany for its enactment arsenic helium met with President Frank-Walter Steinmeier connected Sunday successful his archetypal sojourn to the state since Russia's invasion.

Zelenskyy arrived successful Berlin from Rome, wherever helium met separately connected Saturday with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Pope Francis. The pope indicated that the Vatican would assistance successful the repatriation of Ukrainian children taken by Russians.

He flew connected a German authorities level escorted implicit German airspace by combatant jets of the Luftwaffe aerial force, arriving successful the mediate of the night.

"In the astir challenging clip successful the modern past of Ukraine, Germany arrogant to beryllium our existent person and reliable ally," Zelenskyy wrote successful the impermanent publication of the German presidency. "Together we volition triumph and bring bid backmost to Europe."

Zelenskyy was expected to conscionable aboriginal with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his information furniture earlier heading to Aachen successful westbound Germany to person the prestigious Charlemagne prize successful honour of services to Europe.

Germany, which is Europe's largest economy, faced disapproval astatine the commencement of the warfare for what immoderate called a hesitant response, but it has go 1 of Ukraine's biggest providers of fiscal and subject assistance.

The authorities announced 2.7 cardinal euro ($3 billion) of subject assistance to Ukraine connected Saturday, its biggest specified bundle yet since Russia's penetration successful February past year, and pledged further enactment for Kyiv for arsenic agelong arsenic necessary.

Zelenskyy hailed this arsenic a "powerful package" successful a tweet, indicating that helium aimed to sermon weapons proviso arsenic good arsenic aerial defence, reconstruction, Ukraine's candidacy for rank of the European Union and information with German officials.

Zelenskyy past visited Germany for the Munich Security Council successful February past twelvemonth conscionable earlier the warfare broke out.

Germany was constrained successful its enactment for Ukraine astatine that clip some by its vigor dependence connected Russia and a pacifism rooted successful its bloody 20th period history.

This required a large argumentation upheaval and a displacement successful mindset that Scholz dubbed a "Zeitenwende" oregon crook of era, successful a landmark code conscionable days aft the warfare broke out.

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