Neil Diamond’s Health: All About The Singer’s Battle With Parkinson’s Disease

1 year ago 105

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Neil Diamond Pop Star Here At Piano 1974. 
Neil Diamond Pop Star Here At Piano 1974.

Neil Diamond, 1  of popular  music's large  iconoclasts, stands extracurricular  his West Hollywood bureau   talking astir  his latest compilation of songs, "Hot August Night II," . The album, a two-record set, released 15 years aft  "Hot August Night" was recorded successful  Los Angeles' Greek Theater
Neil Diamond 1988, West Hollywood, USA


Image Credit: CJ Rivera/Everett Collection Neil Diamond was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease The “Sweet Caroline” singer/songwriter disclosed the diagnosis successful 2018 erstwhile helium was forced to cancel a tour In March 2023, Neil said he’s yet accepting the diagnosis and ‘making the best’ of it

Neil Diamond had 1 of the astir celebrated careers successful American popular euphony erstwhile helium disclosed his conflict with Parkinson’s disease successful 2018. The iconic singer/songwriter, calved successful New York successful 1941, sold implicit 130 cardinal albums with hits similar “I’m a Believer” (1967), “Red Red Wine” (1967), “Sweet Caroline (Good Times Never Seemed So Good)” (1969) and “Cracklin’ Rosie” (1970). And the Grammy victor had audiences singing on to those classics during his concerts until caller years, arsenic seen connected his Instagram. However, Neil had to cancel his tours successful 2018 implicit the debilitating symptoms from Parkinson’s.

Neil Diamond revealed his Parkinson’s illness diagnosis successful 2018. (CJ Rivera/Everett Collection)

Cut to 5 years later, and Neil said he’s yet travel to presumption with the diagnosis. “Somehow, a calm has moved in, and the hurricane of my life, and things person gotten precise quiet, arsenic quiescent arsenic this signaling studio,” helium told CBS This Morning successful March 2023. “And I similar it. I find that I similar myself better. I’m easier connected people. I’m easier connected myself. And the bushed goes on, and it volition spell connected agelong aft I’m gone.”

Here’s everything to cognize astir Neil’s wellness struggles, however he’s doing today, and more.

Neil Diamond Diagnosed With Diabetes

A fewer days earlier his 77th day successful January 2018, Neil revealed to his fans that helium had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s via his website. “The onset of the illness has made it hard to question and execute connected a ample standard ground but volition let Mr. Diamond to proceed his writing, signaling and improvement of caller projects,” work a connection connected the site, arsenic Neil stated, “It is with large reluctance and disappointment that I denote my status from performance touring.” He added, “I person been truthful honored to bring my shows to the nationalist for the past 50 years.”

What Is Parkinson’s disease?

Neil sold implicit 130 cardinal records by the clip helium revealed his disease. (Everett Collection)

Parkinson’s illness is simply a neurological upset that causes “unintended oregon uncontrollable movements, specified arsenic shaking, stiffness, and trouble with equilibrium and coordination,” according to the National Institute of Health. As the illness progresses, those suffering whitethorn person trouble walking and talking and are susceptible to” intelligence and behavioral changes, slumber problems, depression, representation difficulties, and fatigue.”

The Michael J Fox Foundation website describes the illness arsenic occurring “when encephalon cells that marque dopamine, a chemic that coordinates movement, halt moving oregon die.” Estimates suggest that Parkinson’s affects nearly 1 cardinal radical successful the United States and more than 6 cardinal radical worldwide. Although determination is nary cure for Parkinson’s, medicines, surgical treatment, and different therapies tin often relieve immoderate symptoms.

How Long Has Neil Diamond Been Sick?

As antecedently mentioned, Neil revealed helium was suffering from the illness erstwhile helium had to cancel his tours successful 2018. However, it has not been disclosed erstwhile the icon was archetypal diagnosed with the disease.

How Is Neil Diamond Doing Today?

Neil Diamond said helium has yet accepted his diagnosis. (Everett Collection)

After Neil stopped touring, helium laid debased up until December 2022, erstwhile helium amazed fans during a show of the philharmonic astir his life, A Beautiful Noise, with an impromptu rendition of his opus “Sweet Caroline.” As for watching the Broadway accumulation of his full life, Neil told CBS This Morning that helium was a small “embarrassed” and “scared” astir being “found out.” He elaborated, “Being recovered retired is the scariest thing, due to the fact that we each person a façade. And the information beryllium known to each of ’em: I’m not immoderate large star. I’m conscionable me.”

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