Trump, special counsel poised to clash over trial date in D.C. election case

10 months ago 998

Former President Donald Trump speaks with the property astatine the Iowa Pork Producers booth during the 2023 Iowa State Fair astatine the Iowa State Fair Grounds connected Saturday August 12, 2023. 

Demetrius Freeman | The Washington Post | Getty Images

The national justice presiding implicit Donald Trump's transgression predetermination interference lawsuit is expected to determine astatine a proceeding Monday whether the apical Republican statesmanlike campaigner volition spell to proceedings earlier oregon aft the 2024 election.

Special counsel Jack Smith, who is starring Trump's prosecution successful 2 abstracted national cases, projected that the proceedings successful Washington, D.C., territory tribunal should caput to proceedings connected Jan. 2.

But Trump's attorneys argued that the pre-trial docket should beryllium stretched retired by much than two-and-a-half years.

Federal Judge Tanya Chutkan is acceptable to perceive arguments from some parties during the 10 a.m. ET presumption conference. The proceeding volition besides code the national procedures for handling the "small magnitude of classified information" that the authorities said it has identified successful the case.

Trump's quality astatine the proceeding has been waived. The erstwhile president earlier this period pleaded not guilty to the four-count indictment charging him with illegally conspiring to overturn his nonaccomplishment to President Joe Biden successful the 2020 election.

Smith, successful a filing past week, urged the justice to cull Trump's bid for an April 2026 proceedings date, arguing that it would "deny the nationalist its close to a speedy trial."

The peculiar counsel accused Trump's lawyers of exaggerating the magnitude of grounds that they volition person to sift done and making unhelpful comparisons, specified arsenic claiming that the fig of pages of find worldly would stack up astir 5,000 feet high.

But Trump's squad has said that its estimates are conservative. Under Smith's projected schedule, they would person to reappraisal astir 100,000 pages of imaginable grounds per time — an intolerable task, they argued.

Trump has already lashed retired astatine the peculiar counsel arsenic an "out of interaction lunatic" for asking for a proceedings day that would apt overlap with the Iowa caucuses, which are scheduled for Jan. 15.

Trump is presently the wide frontrunner successful polls of the Republican statesmanlike superior race. He has claimed without grounds that his 4 transgression cases are portion of a conspiracy to undermine his candidacy for the 2024 race. Trump has repeatedly claimed to beryllium the unfortunate of "election interference," which is fundamentally what helium is accused of successful D.C. and different state-level transgression lawsuit successful Georgia.

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