Dokic reveals major concern in new Halep allegation

1 year ago 65

The caller doping allegations against Simona Halep are the largest ever levelled astatine a erstwhile satellite No.1, according to Jelena Dokic.

Halep archetypal tested affirmative for Roxadustat — an anti-anaemia cause that promotes the accumulation of reddish humor cells — astatine past year's US Open.

Halep was "devastated" by the allegations. Her erstwhile manager Darren Cahill said determination was "no way" she had knowingly taken the substance.

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But past week, the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) charged Halep with a 2nd offence, alleging irregularities successful her jock biologic passport.

Simona Halep hasn't played since past year's US Open. (Quality Sport Images/Getty Images)

Dokic said the allegations surrounding her biologic passport — which supply a baseline speechmaking of substances successful an athlete's assemblage and are considered a mode to assistance illustration doping — are acold worse than the affirmative test.

"That means that there's been thing going connected for a while," Dokic said connected Nine's Sports Sunday.

"She has ever said this is simply a lawsuit of contamination, this would beryllium otherwise. This is the biggest … allegation we've had for a erstwhile satellite No.1."

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Halep spent 64 weeks arsenic satellite No.1 crossed 2 abstracted stints astatine the apical successful 2018 and 2019.

Dokic said the passport allegations mean Halep is warring for much than her career.

"I cognize Simona. Everyone successful the tennis satellite that does cognize her knows what an unthinkable combatant and rival she is," she said.

"She's ever fought for being successful a cleanable sport. Her estimation and sanction to her is massive, much than titles, much than expansive slams."

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Halep was expected to look a proceeding successful February, earlier it was postponed to March, and past to May, and present to June.

She said the delays were "killing her reputation".

"I person asked, arsenic the rules of the anti-doping authorities it, for a speedy hearing. This is my right, it is written successful the rules," Halep wrote connected Twitter past week.

"Unfortunately the ITIA has postponed my proceeding 3 times. Now I cognize that I volition person missed the Australian Open, Roland-Garros and Wimbledon. Not to notation that I volition person mislaid each my points and my ranking.

"Not lone are they sidesplitting my reputation, but besides maine arsenic a nonrecreational player, and I don't adjacent speech astir the consequences connected my intelligence health."

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