Titans star reveals beautiful tribute to late mate

1 year ago 51

Gold Coast prima AJ Brimson has pledged to dedicate the remainder of his NRL vocation to precocious person Liam Hampson.

Hampson, 24, was recovered dormant successful a Barcelona nightclub aft the friends helium had been travelling Europe with issued a nationalist plea to find him.

Brimson was 1 of those friends, having known Hampson since twelvemonth 9 astatine schoolhouse and aboriginal surviving unneurotic successful confederate Queensland for 4 years.

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The Titans fullback spoke to media for the archetypal clip since the tragic mishap pursuing pre-season grooming connected Wednesday.

"The nine has been truly good, and it's been bully getting into a regular again, not conscionable sitting astatine location each day," Brimson said.

AJ Brimson alongside his precocious person Liam Hampson during their European holiday. (Instagram)

"And hanging retired with the mates, it's been a bully distraction.

"I don't privation to beryllium corny... but evidently I dedicate my play and my vocation to Liam.

"I've got to get immoderate benignant of tattoo wherever it won't beryllium nether my jersey truthful I tin constituent to it if I people a effort oregon something.

"I'll decidedly beryllium playing for Liam."

With a period and a fractional having passed since Hampson's daze death, determination were nary tears oregon quivering articulator from Brimson erstwhile answering questions astir his friend.

Instead helium pulled a grin erstwhile asked to picture his erstwhile flatmate.

"He was stingy as, ne'er showered," Brimson said.

"Nah, helium was a bully bloke. We lived unneurotic for 4 years, went to schoolhouse unneurotic from twelvemonth 9 to twelvemonth 12. A fable bloke, a bully footy player. He was astir apt connected the verge of cracking NRL up determination astatine (Redcliffe).

"He was really unlucky not to get a pre-season present (at the Titans) aft his 2021 play with Tweed.

"Happy as, lived beingness to the fullest, ne'er stressed astir anything."

The Titans statesman their 2023 play against Wests Tigers connected March 5.

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