Coaches fume at 'poor' refereeing as Eels feel aggrieved

1 year ago 163

Eels manager Brad Arthur has fumed astatine the refereeing of his side's 26-18 loss to the Raiders astatine GIO Stadium connected Saturday night.

The Eels finished the lucifer astatine a disadvantage, second-rate connected the 10-3 punishment count.

Speaking post-match, Arthur did not skip implicit the statistic.

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Brad Arthur and Cam Gutherson beforehand the media aft the Parramatta Eels' circular 11 nonaccomplishment to the Canberra Raiders. (Fox League)

"Nothing went our way," helium told the media.

"It's precise hard to travel down present to Canberra erstwhile you get a 10-3 punishment number against you.

"We contributed to a fewer things, not getting capable kicks successful and bully ball, particularly successful the 2nd half, but I don't cognize what much I tin accidental to the boys - I thought they were stiff.

"We didn't person immoderate ball. We had 38 per cent possession successful the 2nd half. If we got immoderate back-to-back sets we would person been okay."

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The Eels are presently ranked 16th successful the league for penalties awarded with 52 for the season.

"We can't beryllium the champion successful the contention with our subject and past get penalised 10 times tonight," Arthur said.

"We can't beryllium told that we've got large compliance and past we get penalised 10 times. It can't happen.

"I volition ne'er accidental thing astir the refereeing, but I deliberation contiguous we were hard done by.

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In particular, Arthur evidenced Bailey Simonsson's arguable tackle successful which the winger was placed connected study for a hep drop, but contradictorily not sent to the misdeed bin.

He also criticised the determination to spot Junior Paulo connected study a for debased tackle which took retired Joseph Tapine's legs successful the archetypal half.

"It's not a cannonball. There was nary unit successful it whatsoever, none," helium said.

Asked if helium would beryllium amazed if Paulo was charged by the NRL Judiciary, Arthur downplayed immoderate further punishment.

"Yeah, 100 per cent. There was thing successful it," helium said.

Opposition manager Ricky Stuart besides voiced his interest astatine the refereeing, much specifically the interpretations of immoderate actions.

Firstly, Stuart disputed Corey Horsburgh's first-half sin-binning for striking Ryan Matterson.

"I deliberation Corey shouldn't person got 10 minutes. I thought that was a mediocre determination successful respect to the sin-binning of Corey. That truly enactment america nether pressure," helium said.

Raiders enforcer successful the bin

Stuart was besides frustrated with Paulo's tackle connected Tapine arsenic it saw the fastener permission the tract injured aft hyperextending his knee.

"I'm a mate of Junior's and I don't privation to adhd immoderate other exposure, I suppose, to it all. But I had a subordinate spell disconnected for that," helium said.

"Corey Horsburgh pushed a subordinate successful the head. Corey got pushed successful the caput arsenic good erstwhile helium was held by the jumper.

"Latrell Mitchell past week pushed a subordinate to the caput twice. Nothing happened, helium was allowed to play the shot - we got a subordinate sent to the bin.

"If you're going to alteration the interpretations astir similar that it's conscionable crap. You can't alteration interpretations week to week.

"I consciousness atrocious for the referees due to the fact that they're the ones nether unit erstwhile the interpretations support getting changed each week. I don't cognize who's telling them.

"Why this week erstwhile you propulsion idiosyncratic successful the caput you get 10 minutes successful the bin and enactment america nether unit arsenic a team.

"Because past week we saw a concern that you're allowed to bash now. You're allowed to propulsion radical successful the head."

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Stuart besides advocated for the players amid the NRL's crackdown connected hip-drop tackles.

"I'm gladsome it's changed due to the fact that excessively galore players are laying down present connected hep drops," helium said.

"I don't deliberation you should misdeed bin players connected hep drops due to the fact that excessively galore of them are laying down.

"Some guys, the hardest portion of their nighttime is to get up and unreal they've got a sore leg.

"I don't judge you should beryllium sin-binning blokes for hep drops due to the fact that they're tackles that accidentally spell wrong. Coaches bash not manager hep drops.

"If you went into a tackle to effort and bash a hep drop, you would miss."

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